“Springfield” aka “Rick Springfield” aka “Eric’s Girl” by Mike Eserkaln and Matt Sloan
This is a movie script that I co-wrote with a long time friend and collaborator, Matt Sloan. It’s the story of a young man named Eric who is the bass player for a cover band. He gets a gig as opening act for Rick Springfield. Meeting Rick before the performance doesn’t go well, and Eric decides to perform “Jesse’s Girl” as his closing number before Rick. This angers Rick and he vows revenge, he moves to Eric’s city, steals his job, his girlfriend, and his life. There’s also a runaway bear for some reason.
I don’t expect this script to go anywhere, it’s just good fun. So, read and enjoy. If you are a wealthy movie producer, or better yet, if you’re Rick Springfield and this script interests you, by all means shoot me an e-mail.
Download the PDF here: Springfield-PDF
*All of my works are free to read, perform, produce and/or adapt anyway you like. All I ask is that you contact me and let me know how things went. Credit me as writer and include my web-site (Mike Eserkaln www.eserkaln.com ) Photos and reviews of productions would be great too. Also, donations are always appreciated. Thanks.