Hug Blog Day #2

I have to admit I was a bit concerned about today’s hugs. As I said previously, Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays are days that I potentially don’t see anyone except my daughter. I put out a post saying I needed to get 4 more hugs today. This time, there were less “likes” and no direct offers.   Oh-oh.

Did get plenty of hugs from the Kid. She pulls extra duty when others aren’t around. I was still also feeling residual happy vibes from yesterday’s hugs.

In the call for more hugs I also threw out there that we were going to see “The Martian” tonight. Which, by the way, you should all go see, it’s an excellent movie. Only heard back from Josiah Hensler “maybe”. Wasn’t looking good for hugs.

Arrived at movie and Josiah was there, as was another friend, Ken Goltz. Both manly manly men. I’m a tall guy (6’2″) Josiah towers over me and has a lumberjack’s beard. Ken’s about my height and runs marathons. Manly men.

Watched the movie. Afterwards as we were walking out, I did the open arms indication of “gimme a hug” Ken gives a nice solid hug. Little longer than a normal “guy hug” which was nice. He’s got two daughters now, I think it’s softened him up in a good way.

Josiah seemed to either want to prove something, or be really sincere. He squeezed tight. Not painful, but … he is a strong guy. Josiah is also the first time that I recall being the “little spoon” in a hug. It’s nice I kinda wish I got to snuggle in there more, but I was distracted by his bear hug and had to make a joke about it.

There’s no denying that I was in a noticeably better mood today in general. Currently, I can feel a kind of residual light tingle around my upper shoulder area.

It all still feels a little awkward but less forced than it did yesterday.

Collected hugs from 3 people today. Had an offer to go “cash in on some hugs” at a trivia night that some friends were at. If it wasn’t a school night I might have gone.

Early results, as expected, are positive.


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