3 thoughts on ““Orson” Chapter 17”

  1. still engaging but more so when you go back and read a block of chapters at a time because then it’s easier to remember all the characters and how they’re relating to each other. I still like the chapter a week though so keep ’em coming!

  2. Every time I get a feeling it’s a “Jack” chapter I fill with dread but my morbid curiosity and love for this novel make me read it anyway. I’m never disappointed but I must admit that my level of disgust for this character is a bit more intense than it should be for a fictional character.

    Finally caught up and it feels so good. 😀

    • I often do feel the need to apologize for Jack, but then I remember that Jack would never apologize for himself or anyone. So, I’ll just say that I’m glad the story is affecting you. That’s all you can really ask of a story.


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